League transaction log -- American
Regular season

6/1/2017KCRBusbyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/1/2017KCRDragoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/1/2017TEXHellingPromoted to active roster  Before
6/1/2017TEXRichertDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/1/2017TEXSelePromoted to active roster  Before
6/1/2017TEXWittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017BALMartinezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017BALStoddardPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2017CLEAllenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017CLESabathiaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2017CLEScoreDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017CLEWynnPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2017DETAguirreDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017DETColemanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017DETDonovanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017DETPetryPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2017DETRozemaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2017DETThompsonPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2017KCRGuraDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017KCRSplittorffPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2017NYABoutonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017NYABoutonPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2017NYADurenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017NYAPennockPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2017PHADullDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017PHAStewartPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2017SEAIwakumaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017SEAParrottPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2017SEARomoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017SEASasakiPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2017TEXBosmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017TEXCorderoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2017TEXCorreaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2017TEXDonovanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017TEXFoucaultDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017TEXGuzmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017TEXKnowlesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017TEXUmbargerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2017TEXZeilePromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2017TEXZimmermanPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2017TOREscobarPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2017TORJacksonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017WSACorbettDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2017WSAMarberryPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017ANABrunetDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017ANAMcCaskillDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017ANARodriguezPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017ANAShieldsPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017BALBoddickerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017BALJulioDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017BALMartinezPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017BALMcGregorPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017BSACampbellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017BSADinneenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017BSAFerrell,WPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017BSAHughesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017BSAKinderPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017BSALonborgPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017BSAParnellPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017BSARadatzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017CHWJamesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017CHWMcDowellPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017CLEPerryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017CLEScorePromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017HOUGilesPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017HOURuhleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017KCRHedlundDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017KCRHerreraPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017NYAHoytDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017NYAStottlemyrPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017PHACoombsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017PHAHudsonPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017PHAMulderPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017PHANorrisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017PHAWaddellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017PHAZitoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017SEAAbbottPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017SEAFlemingDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017SEAHolmanPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017SEAParrottDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017SEAPineiroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017SEAStanton,MPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017TBRBaezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017TBRMcGeeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017TBRNiemannPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017TBRSonnanstinePromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017TEXCorderoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017TEXCorderoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017TEXFelizDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017TEXFelizPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017WSAAguileraDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017WSAAndersonPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017WSAGoltzPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017WSAGroomDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017WSAGuardadoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017WSAMaysPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017WSAPascualDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/1/2017WSAPerryPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017WSARadkePromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2017WSAWolffDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017ANAAbbottPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017ANAAverillPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017ANAColonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017ANAMolinaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017ANAParkerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017ANAShieldsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017ANAThomasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017ANAThomasPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017BALBarberPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017BALJonesPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017BALMcManusDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017BALMillerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017BALMyersDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017BALSheetsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017BALStonePromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017BALSurhoffPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017BSAArmasPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017BSABeckettPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017BSADiMaggioDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017BSAFerrell,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017BSAGedmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017BSAHughsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017BSALowellPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017BSAParnellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017BSAPedroiaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017BSAPorcelloPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017BSAVaritekPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017BSAWerberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017CHWDurhamPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017CHWForsterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017CHWHayesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017CHWHowryPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017CHWHoytPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017CHWKittlePromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017CHWLeePromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017CHWMcDowellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017CHWMeltonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017CHWMostilDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017CHWQuentinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017CHWRobinsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017CLEBaergaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017CLEBurnsPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017CLEChapmanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017CLEJusticeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017CLELeePromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017CLEMorganDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017CLERomanoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017CLEWynnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017DETColemanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017DETTroutDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017HOUBatemanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017HOUBruceDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017HOUCabellPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017HOUDawleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017HOUDawleyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017HOUEusebioPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017HOUGilesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017HOUHamptonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017HOUKerfeldPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017HOUKeuchelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017HOUNiekroPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017HOUOswaltPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017HOURaderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017HOURichardDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017KCRBirdPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017KCRCainPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017KCRCowensDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017KCRGordonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017KCRHedlundPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017KCRHollandDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017KCRHosmerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017KCRJohnsonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017KCRLittellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017KCRSplittorffDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017NYABoutonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017NYAHenrichDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017NYAMeuselPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017NYAMunsonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017NYAMurcerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017NYANettlesPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017NYAPennockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017NYAPosadaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017NYARolfeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017NYAStirnweissDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017PHABlueDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017PHAKochPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017PHAPlankDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017PHARommelPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017SEAAbbottDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017SEABlowersPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017SEAClarkPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017SEAHendersonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017SEAHolmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017SEAJonesPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017SEAPineiroPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017SEAReedPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017SEAStanton,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017SEAValleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017TBRColomeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017TBRColomePromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017TBRJoycePromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017TBRKazmirDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017TBRLobatonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017TBRSaundersPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017TEXCatalanottoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017TEXCorderoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017TEXFelizDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017TEXFoucaultPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017TEXHintonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017TEXHoughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017TEXKnowlesPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017TEXMcMullenPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017TEXO'BrienPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017TEXRetzerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017TEXWrightPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017TORAccardoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017TORBatistaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017TORCruz Jr.Promoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017TOREscobarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017TORFullmerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017TORLindDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017TOROverbayDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/1/2017TORWhittPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017WSASantanaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/1/2017WSAViolaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017ANAColonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017ANACurtisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017ANAHuntPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017ANAKennedyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017ANALackeyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017ANAMincherPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017ANAMoranDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017ANAPoloniaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017ANARodgersPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017ANARyanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017ANAThomasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017ANAThomasPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017ANAThomasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017ANAZahnPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017BALBlairPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017BALDavisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017BALJacobsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017BALMarkakisPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017CHWBuehrlePromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017CHWGarciaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017CHWHowryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017CHWHoytDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017CHWJonesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017CHWLeeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017CHWLeePromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017CHWLoaizaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017CHWPetersDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017CHWQuintanaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017CHWRadcliffDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017CLEBetancourtDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017CLEJusticePromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017CLELeeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017CLELindorPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017CLETroskyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017CLEWickmanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017DETFothergillDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017DETGuillenPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017DETHigginsonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017DETKempDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017DETMartinezPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017DETOrdonezPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017DETPolancoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017DETVeachDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017DETWertzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017DETYorkDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017HOUCastroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017HOUDeshaiesPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017HOUHarnischDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017HOUHatcherPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017HOUMillerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017HOUWilsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017KCRMacfarlaneDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017KCRPerezPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017NYABoutonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017NYACanoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017NYAChandlerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017NYACombsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017NYAFord,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017NYAJudgeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017NYAMatsuiPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017NYAPetersonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017NYAPippPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017NYARuffingPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017NYASeverinoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017NYASkowronDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017NYASkowronPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017NYAWilliamsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017PHABrosiusPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017PHACervDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017PHAChapmanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017PHAChavezPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017PHACookDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017PHADavisPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017PHAGrayPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017PHAHigginsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017PHAHoltzmanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017PHAKeoughPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017PHAKrauseDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017PHALangfordPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017PHAMajeskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017PHAMillerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017PHAMosesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017PHAMulderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017PHAOdomDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017PHARogersPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017PHARommelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017PHARudiPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017PHASteinbachDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017PHAStreetPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017PHAWelchPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017PHAZitoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017SEACoraDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017SEAIbanezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017SEAJasoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017SEAMeyerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017SEAPercontePromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017SEARobertsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017SEAStanton,LPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017SEAStinsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017TBRLobatonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017TBRNavarroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017TEXBlalockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017TEXBrinkmanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017TEXEpsteinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017TEXNelsonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017TEXUmbargerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017TEXWillsPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017TORBordersDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017TORClancyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017TOREncarnacionDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017TORGuzmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017TORHappDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017TORHillPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017TORHinskePromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017TORJohnsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017TORJohnsonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017TORLealPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017TORMcLaughlinPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017TORO'BrienPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017TORSmoakPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017TORSprague JrPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017TORStiebDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017TORStromanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017TORWellsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017TORWhittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017WSAAllisonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017WSACroninDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017WSADozierPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017WSAHrbekDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017WSAHrbekPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017WSAHydeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017WSAJudgeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2017WSALawtonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017WSAReesePromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017WSASmalleyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017WSAVersallesPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2017WSAWestDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017ANAAbbottDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017ANAAlomarPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017ANAChalkPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017ANACurtisPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017ANADiSarcinaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017ANADowningDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017ANAFordDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017ANAJoynerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017ANALangstonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017ANAPoloniaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017ANASaundersPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017ANAWagnerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017ANAWashburnPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017ANAWeaverDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017BALBarberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017BALBunkerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017BALDillingerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017BALFlanaganDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017BALKressPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017BALMcGregorDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017BALPeltyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017BALSchoopPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017BALSevereidDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017BSABeckettDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017BSAConigliaroPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017BSACulpPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017BSAFerrell,WDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017BSALonborgDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017BSAMuellerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017BSAWoodDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017BSAYoukilisPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017CHWAparicioDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017CHWBainesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017CHWCarusoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017CHWFalkDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017CHWJohnsonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017CHWMinosoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017CHWRadcliffPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017CHWReynoldsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017CHWRowandPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017CHWSheelyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017CHWValentinPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017CLEAlomarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017CLEBrantleyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017CLEButlerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017CLEChapmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017CLEFossePromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017CLEGarciaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017CLEHafnerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017CLEHarderPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017CLEHodappPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017CLEJamiesonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017CLEJusticeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017CLEKeltnerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017CLEMcDowellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017CLEMongeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017CLEO'NeillDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017CLERamirezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017CLESabathiaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017CLESiebertPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017CLESizemorePromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017CLEUhlePromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017CLEVosmikDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017CLEWickmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017DETColemanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017DETCruzPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017DETJacksonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017DETKellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017DETKempPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017DETLolichDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017DETMorrisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017DETWertzPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017HOUAspromontePromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017HOUCruzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017HOUDawleyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017HOUDeshaiesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017HOUEnsbergDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017HOUFarrellPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017HOUHelmsPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017HOUHidalgoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017HOUJacksonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017HOUMejiasPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017HOUMenkeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017HOUMillerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017HOUPortugalPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017HOUPuhlPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017HOUSambitoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017HOUSmithDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017HOUThonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017HOUWoodeshickPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017KCRAikensDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017KCRHedlundDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017KCRHerreraDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017KCRMingoriDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017KCRMotleyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017KCROliverPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017KCRRojasPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017KCRSchaalPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017KCRScheinblumPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017KCRSheridanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017KCRWashingtonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017KCRWathanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017NYACreePromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017NYAGuidryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017NYAHenrichPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017NYAHowardDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017NYAKellerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017NYAKoenigPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017NYALazzeriDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017NYAMcDougaldDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017NYAO'NeillDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017NYAPosadaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017NYAReynoldsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017NYARichardsonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017NYARolfePromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017NYARuffingDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017NYASkowronPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017NYASánchezPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017PHADuchschererPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017PHAGallowayDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017PHAHigginsPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017PHAJohnsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017PHAMajeskiPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017PHAStewartDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017SEAFlemingPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017SEAPineiroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017TEXBlalockPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017TEXBrinkmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017TEXCorderoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017TEXCorreaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017TEXFelizPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017TEXKnowlesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017TEXMcMullenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017TEXPalmerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017TEXRetzerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017TEXStevensPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017TEXTollesonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017TORAlexanderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017TORBonnellPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017TORBushDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017TORDonaldsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017TORGarciaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017TORGarvinPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017TORHowellPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017TORIorgPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017TORJohnsonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017TORKeyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017TORLealDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017TORLemanczykPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017TORLeoneDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017TORRomeroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017TORVelezPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017TORWoodsPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017WSAAndersonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017WSABatteyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017WSABlylevenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017WSAGoltzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017WSAHarperPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017WSAJonesPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017WSAMyerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017WSAMyerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017WSAPerryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017WSAPierzynskiPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017WSARiceDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/25/2017WSASpanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017WSAWalkerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/25/2017WSAWillinghamPromoted to active roster  Before
9/27/2017TORFletcherDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/27/2017TORWhittPromoted to active roster  Before
9/29/2017ANAFordPromoted to active roster  Before
9/29/2017ANAFregosiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/29/2017ANAMcGlothlinPromoted to active roster  Before
9/29/2017ANAZahnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/29/2017BALDobsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/29/2017BALGarlandPromoted to active roster  Before
9/29/2017BALGivensPromoted to active roster  Before
9/29/2017BALMcNallyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/29/2017BSAClemensDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/29/2017BSAEllsburyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/29/2017BSAFerrell,RPromoted to active roster  Before
9/29/2017BSAFryePromoted to active roster  Before
9/29/2017BSAGoodmanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/29/2017BSAHarrelsonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/29/2017BSALeonardDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/29/2017BSAWebbDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/29/2017CLECarrascoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/29/2017CLEChooPromoted to active roster  Before
9/29/2017CLEFrymanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/29/2017CLEHeathDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/29/2017CLEHodappDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/29/2017CLEJossDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/29/2017CLEKipnisPromoted to active roster  Before
9/29/2017CLELemonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/29/2017CLENagyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/29/2017CLEScoreDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/29/2017CLESewellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/29/2017CLEVizquelPromoted to active roster  Before
10/1/2017WSAAndersonPromoted to active roster  Before
10/1/2017WSASantanaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/2/2017ANAAbbottPromoted to active roster  Before
10/2/2017ANALopezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/3/2017BALBunkerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/3/2017BALCuellarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/3/2017BALMelilloPromoted to active roster  Before
10/3/2017BALRettenmundPromoted to active roster  Before