Hardball Retro

dedicated to the enrichment of casual and serious enthusiasts in all aspects of professional baseball


Pirates Minor League Career Win Leaders

Pirates (Minor Leaguers) Wins Silvano Quezada 95 Odell Jones 87 Ken Larsen 79 Mike Bielecki 77 John Lamb 76 Dorn Taylor 74 Dick Colpaert 73 Gene Garber 73 Bronson Arroyo 71 Jim Shellenback* 66 Correctly answered by Rod Humphrey, Doug…

Pirates Minor League Career WHIP Leaders

Pirates (Minor Leaguers) WHIP Montana DuRapau 0.926 Diego Moreno 0.933 Tate Scioneaux 0.967 Diomedes Olivo* 0.979 Dick Hall 1.002 Luke Hamlin 1.022 Ricardo Paulino 1.049 Wilbur Wood* 1.049 Chris Demaria 1.053 Scooter Hightower 1.053 Mitch Keller 1.053 Correctly answered by…